The Learning Engine

Ai-Powered InSights at Your fingertips

TFC AI Strategy

Our three-pronged AI strategy underscores our belief in the positive potential for AI in political campaigns and advocates for an objective, balanced conversation about its challenges, with more data, perspectives, and participants.

Using AI

Helping campaigns safely use AI and perform data analysis to understand its impact.

Building with AI

Developing the Learning Engine insights platform to uncover best practices and insights.

educating on ai

Hosting briefings, campaigns trainings and guides for campaign, caucus and Political Advisory Board members.

The Learning Engine

The TFC Learning Engine allows us to take the many of years of data and learnings and put them at the fingertips of staff, campaign teams and campaigns.

Why We Built It

Using data to drive decisions is in our DNA. Bringing this mindset and the data behind digital work on 1,200+ campaign projects and signing up 500K+ voters is truly a rising tide. All future work benefit from these learnings and sets us up for more informed, thoughtful and effective work.

Commercial Best practices

Helping Campaigns use AI and perform data analysis to understand its impact

data driven decisions

Taking the guesswork out of campaigning by following the data to make decisions that generate wins.

a legacy of learnings

Building on past successes to inform future strategies and wins. With every project or campaign we amplify our impact.

Support our Learning Engine
